Monday, January 13, 2014

myles oliver : monthbymonth 2

Today, Myles is 2 months old.  It has meant lots of snuggling, and his big 2 month visit to the pediatrician for his first round of vaccinations.  He did so good.  I would have cried too buddy... shots are no fun!  But we both survived and now he is sleeping on me while I write.  

Today, you weighed 11 lbs 1.5 ounces and were 24 inches long!  You are really growing!  When you were born you were 6 lbs 15 ounces and 19.75 inches long.  Such a big boy!

This month we started using the cloth diapers!  We LOVE them!  I change your diaper so much less often with the cloth than disposables and other than once (and it was my fault), we have had no leaks or blow-outs.  It has meant a little extra laundry but I really don't mind that.  They are pretty bulky and funny looking on you, but you seem to like them too!  The first night you wore them, you slept the longest you ever have.

Most nights your bedtime is at 10pm, and you sleep 4-5 hours at first, followed by 3-4 hours after that.  So I can usually get by with only getting up once with you...but I usually get up twice because I opt to sleep in, and you usually let me have an extra hour.  The biggest thing I have noticed this month is that I don't have to get you in a deep sleep before I lay you down.  You seem to prefer that I lay you down while you are still asleep so that you know I left you.  You are self-soothing really well... A lot of times I can just let you get over it on your own without having to check on you... eventually you just fall asleep.

Right now Myles, you are still ok with baths as long as you have eaten recently... otherwise you get a little fussy.  Diaper changes are your FAVORITE part of the day.  You are so weird!  You can be screaming, but as soon as your head hits the changing pad, you are all smiles and coos.  You make me laugh so much!  

You are totally wearing only 0-3 and 3 month clothes now.  I hope you stay this size a while longer because I just keep finding more cute things squirreled away in this size!  

You still sleep in the car some but it takes a lot longer than just backing out of the driveway to make that happen.  You do seem to like riding though.  As long as I pack a bottle for you, I can take you just about anywhere for as long as I want.  You have gone to the grocery every week and even went out to lunch with me.  You were awake the whole time at our last play date with the girls.  I think Ella and Emma are really going to have fun with you once you are a little older!  And soon you will have more friends to play with a little closer to your age!  

You are holding your neck a lot better now, so we need to start working on your core so you can sit up!  You are so alert and taking everything in when you are awake. Sometimes you get such a serious, thoughtful look on your face, and with all that hair, you look like a little boy instead of a baby a lot.  :-)

You are getting to be more fun every single day.  

Looking for his 1 month update?  Here ya go!  1 month

1 comment:

  1. Oh, good, so glad to hear he's doing pretty well with sleep! Someone just told me that their theory is that the 11-pound mark gets you better sleep... whatever it is, I'll take it! And we often have the same thing over here with the changing pad - isn't that funny?


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