Monday, October 7, 2013


I know... its been over a week since I posted.  I'm getting really pregnant... give me a break.  

I am mentally going into nesting mode. 

Physically not so much.  

My hips still bother me... Doc basically told me "sorry bout your luck".  So I've been toughing it out when its worth it (this weekend I went to the zoo and enjoyed Oktoberfest with Kyle). Other times, I just lounge around and read a book.  

While seeing the clutter around the house that is driving me nuts.

While thinking about all those meals I ought to be freezing.  

For the past week we have been getting used to Kyle's first night float... its a bit brutal.  Being home while he is asleep is much worse than being home alone.  At least when I'm alone I can crank up the music and do whatever I feel like doing...  For the past week I have sat in the living room and read while he slept.  

Until today.  He is so exhausted all the time that he seems to be sleeping pretty hard.  So I shut his door and turned on the kitchenaid mixer.  And I made bread.  Two loaves, one for now and one for the freezer.

And I didn't stop there.

I also threw together some homemade cinnamon rolls for the freezer.  How awesome does that sound post labor and delivery?  

He never woke up.

I can totally do some freezer cooking while he sleeps!  

The problem is going to be keeping myself from only freezing bread products.  But it is just so much more fun to make that stuff than to make real food!

Right now I'm thinking of slowly accumulating the following things in our freezer:

cinnamon rolls
breakfast burritos

chicken taquitos
sour cream chicken enchiladas
baked spaghetti
marinated meat for the crockpot

bread products
sandwich bread
dinner rolls
french bread

I need to buy some groceries and freezer bags.


  1. Really pregnant is really fun... how exciting! Thanks for linking up with Medical Monday's.

  2. Doc H will sleep through anything. I was once battling raccoons in our kitchen with a carving a knife and he slept through the whole ordeal! I want to try baking bread, but am terrified!! Cooking is my strength...baking-not so much. I am jealous of your skills!!
    Thanks for linking up with us!!!

  3. Stopping by from Medical Mondays! Congrats on your pregnancy and can you come bake at my house? ;) I have a KitchenAid mixer but have only used it a handful of times in the past two years. And good luck with getting through night float. My husband finished Ortho residency last year but we never had to do that!

    1. Also I just saw on your About section that you have cats and worked in a lab. We have a lot in common! I have a sweet Siamese mix and just started a research postdoc. Looking forward to following along with you!

  4. Popping by from MM :) from one pregnant lady to another! I am 20 weeks so you are much farther along but congratulations on the upcoming arrival!! Its such a fun journey. Hope you are feeling good!

  5. Woah, good for you! I keep thinking I should be freezing meals or learning some good new crockpot recipes, but I can barely plan dinner for the CURRENT day, let alone come up with all this... I might end up with lots of takeout menus :)


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